Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas is ready to assist you in your search for employment. In addition to online assistance, the Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas Centers are available with individual support and free computer, fax and telephone use to aid you in your job search.

The first step is to register in is a powerful online job matching site with tools designed to help you break through as a candidate.. A step-by-step Resume Builder and Resume Scorer help you create the strongest resume possible.
Individuals seeking a new job, different job, or an additional job can post their résumé, search job listings, apply for jobs, get information about the job market, and receive a variety of other services through
Other Employment Resources
Many more job banks are available, a list of some of the larger ones in Texas are on the Texas Workforce Commission website.
Job Search Tips
While all job search websites have jobs in common, what sets them apart from one another is the focus of their site, the services they provide, and how they provide them. Some offer the basic job board while others use a matching system to connect employers and job seekers. Some provide resume creation and storage. Career advice and counseling, interview preparation, networking, and training resources are some of the other services provided by some of the sites.
Job Search Resources
- Texas Job Hunter's Guide is a comprehensive online guide to assist you in every phase of your job search.
- Explore Careers If you don't know what kind of work you want to do, there are short skill assessments available online that can help you find out what you might be good at, what kinds of work you might like, and what kind of jobs and tasks are important to you.
- Training Resources might help you if you know what you want to do but don't have the skills to get the job.
- CareerOneStop is your online source for employment information and inspiration. Go there if you are looking for information about:
Military Transition | Salary + Benefits |
Education + Training | Job Search |
Resumes + Interviews | People + Places to Help |
Browse Occupations | Salary Info |
Texas Workforce Commission has also listed a number of Tips on Work Search, Interviews and Resumes