All board and committee meetings are open to the public. The schedule of Board Meetings is listed below.
Agendas and Minutes
You can download meeting documents such as agenda and minutes below.
Any group wishing to make a presentation to the board or a committee must submit a written request at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting to the Board Chair at:
415 S. First Street, Suite 110B
Lufkin, Texas 75901
When a presentation is made by a group and/or organization, no more than two individuals from that group/organization may address the board. The request should include the requested amount of time, which cannot exceed 15 minutes. It is the Chair's decision whether to hear a presentation and the time to be allotted for a presentation.
Public Comments
Public comments relating to agenda topics only will be heard by the board or committee upon completion of a Speaker Card by the individual requesting to speak. Speaker Cards are available at all board meetings. Public comments are limited to 5 minutes. Download the Speaker Card Request to Comment.
Auxiliary Aids or Services
Persons with disabilities who wish to attend board meetings and who require auxiliary aids or services should contact Dara Harmon at 936-639-8898 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.