Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas helps young people, age 16 to 24, with education, training, and employment opportunities.
Need some extra cash? Ready to learn new skills? Tired of being turned away from jobs because you have no experience? We can Help!

How Can You Help Me?
Through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas helps youth between the ages of 16-24 learn new skills and earn money in 30 days or less through our work experience program! We also may be able to pay for your GED and other career training.
We can help eligible young adults with:
- Jobs and Work Experience
- Resumes and Job Prep
- Job Fairs and Recruitment Opportunities
- Assistance with Obtaining High School Diploma/GED
- Higher Education, Vocational Training and Certificates
- Financial Literacy Training
- Gas Money, Uniforms and More
Do I Qualify?
- Resident of one of the following Counties: Angelina, Houston, Jasper, Nacogdoches, Newton, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, or Tyler
- If male age 18 or over, registered for Military Selective Service
- Between the ages of 16 -24
- Meet one of the following categories:
- Youth in Foster Care
- School Dropout
- Reading or Math Deficient
- Pregnant or Young Parent
- Individual with Disability
- Homeless or Runaway
- Low Income