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Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas


My Future, My Way: Empowering Students for Career Success

Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas
Mar 17, 2025
Posted by: Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas

My Future, My Way: Empowering Students for Career Success

At Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas, we understand the importance of collaboration between schools, local businesses, and community organizations to prepare students for successful futures. The My Future, My Way event served as a crucial bridge connecting students with real-world career opportunities. By bringing together educational institutions and regional employers, this event fostered partnerships that are vital in developing a stronger, more prepared workforce.

The My Future, My Way event welcomed 53 students from across Deep East Texas to engage in hands-on experiences that will benefit their career journeys. With the support of 30 representatives from industries such as manufacturing, education, finance, and more, students gained real-world insight into various career paths. One of the event's key highlights was the opportunity for students to participate in mock interviews with local employers. These one-on-one conversations provided valuable feedback, helping students improve their interview skills and build confidence for future job opportunities.

Testimonials from Employers and Participants

"I feel this is a great opportunity for H.S. seniors to prepare for the future. Mock interviews are not the same when performed in the classroom. There is no substitute for having students sit in front of real employers for interviews." – Sherman Thomas, Georgia-Pacific

"This is something I believe students getting ready to enter the workplace can really benefit from. Students may have the opportunity to visit with more than one employer to have multiple reviews/notes.”– Adriana Mosley, RoyOMartin

"I thought the event was formatted well and provided an excellent opportunity for the participating students to gain meaningful experience and feedback. I really thought the professional headshots were a very innovative way to assist the students." – Angela Mehl, Collegiate Edu-Nation

"Wonderful idea to have the community connect with the students and schools. I love when the community supports the youth in equipping them for the future. Events like these help bridge the gap between school and workforce while helping students overcome their fears." – Kevin Taylor, Stubblefield Learning Center

Resources for Career Readiness

In addition to interviews, students met with our dedicated Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Case Managers, who introduced them to Workforce Solutions resources designed to support their educational and career goals. From scholarship information to job search guidance, students walked away equipped with practical tools for their next steps.

To ensure students could present themselves professionally in future opportunities, Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas partnered with Graceful Shutter Photography to provide professional headshots. These photos are invaluable assets for resumes, scholarship applications, and networking profiles.

Thank You to Our Partners


Portacool, LLC


Collegiate Edu-Nation

Lockheed Martin


Southside Bank

Stiles Electric 

Lufkin Gears

Texas State University System - Polk County Center

Smith Sawmill Service

Lamar State College Port Arthur

SFASU Center for Professional and Continuing Education (PACE)


Stubblefield Learning Center 

Legacy Institute for Financial Empowerment



Thank You to Our Local Schools Who Participated

Corrigan-Camden ISD 

Shepherd ISD

Livingston ISD

Apple Springs ISD

Warren ISD

Diboll ISD

Pineywoods Community Academy

Central Heights ISD

Nacogdoches ISD

The success of the My Future, My Way event is a testament to the power of collaboration. By connecting students with real opportunities, guidance, and resources, we are building a stronger, more prepared workforce for Deep East Texas. We look forward to continuing these efforts and finding new ways to empower students on their journey toward a bright and successful future.