Turner Fabrication Honored as the 2022 Deep East Texas Small Employer of the Year
Aug 15, 2023
Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas
On August 8, Turner Fabrication was recognized by the Deep East Texas Local Workforce Development Board as the 2022 Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas Small Employer of the Year. The presentation took place during the Development Board’s August meeting in Lufkin.
“The Workforce Board is pleased to honor Turner Fabrication, whose efforts to partner with the workforce system in hiring, training and retaining a quality staff, has contributed to the economic and workforce objectives in the region,” said Board Chair Kelli Marshall. Ms. Marshall was joined by Business Services Committee Chair Tyane Dietz in presenting the award to business owner Matt Turner. “Mr. Turner is recognized for being a strong leader in the manufacturing industry, and he supports a well-trained workforce and shares his expertise to benefit the community.”
Located in Nacogdoches, Turner Fabrication is a production facility for precision machine parts and weldments. The business started as a one-person operation and grew to today’s 16,000 square-foot facility with 9-15 full-time employees. Turner Fabrication has been a Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas partner since May 2018 as a work experience worksite. Over the last five years, the company has provided training opportunities for Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) youth to gain skills to enable them to find sustainable employment. The company has utilized the job posting services through WorkInTexas.com. Turner Fabrication also participated in the 2021 Teacher Externship Program.
Mr. Turner said, “It is an honor to be recognized. At Turner Fabrication, we make about 700 to 1,000 unique parts per year for other businesses locally and nationally, everything from rocket ship parts to hay cutters. One of our bigger challenges is our labor force. We need high skilled labor, and it’s hard to find. We have utilized Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas, which has placed a number of employees with us. We’ve really gotten a few gems and had the opportunity to provide people with some skills to move on.” Mr. Turner has been a leading member of the Deep East Texas Manufacturing Alliance and helped organize the Manufacturing Day career exploration event in 2020 to introduce junior and senior high school students to local manufacturing careers.
Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas is among 28 local Texas Workforce Development Boards located throughout the state. The Board serves 12 counties: Angelina, Houston, Jasper, Nacgodoches, Newton, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity and Tyler. Through partnerships with Texas Workforce Commission and their communities, workforce boards meet the needs of Texas employers and workers through locally-designed, market-driven workforce development initiatives and services. All employers and individuals can take advantage of these services at no charge.